Monday Oct 29, 2012

The Gary Null Show - Dr. Mae Wan Ho - 10/29/12

Dr. Mae Wan Ho is a genetic biochemist and bio-physicist who has become  one of the world’s most sought after public speakers and a prolific writer with over 400 publications in scientific and popular magazines. She has published many books including her very important study Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare, and her classic text The Physics of Organisms. Dr. Ho has also written extensively about the global and scientific problems and catastrophic threats associated with the genetic modification of crops. She was the designated expert of the International Cartagena Biosafety Protocol, which included 578 scientists from around the world, who state that the greatest threat mankind in the new millennium is not nuclear war, but genetic engineering. Besides her distinguished career as a scientist, she is also a major critic of neo-Darwinian thought and genetic engineering.   She was a senior researcher at Queen Elizabeth University and the Open University at Milton Keynes co-founding the Institute of Science and Society in London, a not-for-profit organization promoting social responsibility at all sectors of society and pioneering new holistic and ecological approaches in science.

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