Thursday Apr 19, 2012

The Gary Null Show - 04/19/12

Richard Louv is a journalist and the founding chairman of the Children and Nature Network, a organization devoted to creating movement to connect children to the natural world. He is also an honorary chairman of Canada's national Children and Nature Alliance. He is perhaps best known for coining the term Nature Deficit Disorder through his book The Last Child in the Woods, which has now been translated into ten languages and has spearheaded a shift in consciousness in how children are being raised.  He has received many awards including the Audubon Medal.

In the past Richard was a columnist for The San Diego Union-Tribune for 27 years and has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Times of London, and other major publications

His newest book is “The Nature Principle:  Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age” which expores Nature Deficit Disorder’s affects on adults and our society at large, while also offering a new future vision for re-immersing ourselves in nature to bring an end to this condition.

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