Wednesday May 10, 2017
The Gary Null Show - 05.10.17
Confessions of a Wall Street Insider - a look at life of high trader stakes on the Street
Michael Kimelman is a former associate attorney at the international commercial business law firm Sullivan & Cromwell. Later he became a stock trader and the founder and managing partner of the New York based hedge fund Incremental Capital. He was among the over 80 people arrested for insider trading during a far reaching sting operation led by US Attorney Preet Bharara in 2009 after the financial mortgage meltdown. Convicted on flimsy evidence for two counts of security fraud and one for conspiracy for his assumed participation in a large insider trading web with billionaire hedge fund mogul Raj Rajaratnam, he spent two years in the federal penitentiary prison in Lewisburg Pennsylvania. Michael is a graduate of Lafayette College and received his law degree from the University of Southern California Law School and is currently a financial consultant and engaged in prison and education reform. He is the author of the recent book "Confessions of a Wall Street Insider: A Cautionary Tale of Rats, FEDs and Banksters" by Skyhorse Press, which gives a first hand glimpse in lives and activities of proprietary traders and his own experience of the criminal justice system to select and destroy fall-guys.