Tuesday Jun 03, 2014

The Gary Null Show - 06/03/14

What really lies behind the cyber warfare, threat inflation and the malware industrial complex?

Bill Blunden is an expert in IT technology and development, having worked in both the private industry on network security appliances and in academia. He is the primary investigator of Below Gotham Labs, which performs basic research related to information security and anti-forensics analysis.  He has written several books on the software industry and applications. His articles related to 911 have been published in the peer reviewed Journal of Peace Psychology.

Bill’s most recent publication, co-written with his wife Professor Violet Cheung, is “Behold a Pale Farce: Cyberwar, Threat Inflation and the Malware Industrial Complex”, which lays bare the reality behind the threats of a cyber Armageddon our government officials and media perilously warn us about.  His website is BelowGotham.com

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