Wednesday May 13, 2020

The Gary Null Show - Bill Gates: America's Self-Appointed Vaccine Czar

A puzzle that may baffle the inquiring mind is how a college dropout, a computer nerd without any notable biological or medical background, and at one time the wealthiest person in the world before being unseated by the self-centered playboy Jeff Bezos, could rise to become one of humanity's leading spokespersons about vaccination. After transitioning away from Microsoft to work full time for his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2006, funding vaccine development and agricultural genetic engineering seems to have turned into one of Bill Gates' deeper passion. in the past, he has been a public protector of Monsanto's chemical-dependent GMOs and continues to promote the agro-chemical paradigm throughout the developing world. Although there is nothing wrong with philanthropic enterprises for causes we believe in, what is disturbing is that a non-medical expert has assumed the role of being a national thought leader on vaccination safety and policy. What people do is less important than their motivations and intentions. 

Personality- wise, it is no secret that Gates was a difficult boss to work with. He was known to be extremely critical, belligerent, sarcastic and his anger would often degrade employees. He was a fierce taskmaster as the Washington Post reported, and Fortune magazine listed him as an "egotistical jerk" along with other billionaires such Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos.  Now with COVID-19 upon us, some, such as NPR, would call Gates prophetic for warning about viral pandemics five years ago. However, there is nothing extraordinarily novel, and definitely not Delphian, in this pronouncement. Gates is certainly no oracle. As personal experience confirms, such conversations among scientists have gone on in the corridors and cafeterias of biotech firms for over three decades. More likely is Gates simply fear mongering to turn his enormous investments into vaccine research and development for a coronavirus vaccine with the outcome being greater profits?

To call Gates a vaccine and genetic engineering fanatic is an understatement. While lecturing at the elitist TED 2010 conference in Long Beach, CA, he slipped a statement while speaking about the dangers of climate change and over population: “Vaccines? I love them.” His admission was made in the context of his philanthropic strategy and vaccines play a crucial role in his firm conviction that population reduction is an urgent priority for the survival of humanity. Of course the question that arises is who should be eliminated from the population? And who is elected from the public to make such decisions? The short answer is no one. Nevertheless this agenda is covertly proceeding through foundations, international agencies, non-profits, and private industry.

In 2000, the Gates Foundation founded the International Finance Facility for Immunization (GAVI) and that organization’s Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines. GAVI is a global collaboration that includes governments health ministries, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank, WHO, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, UNICEF, corporate vaccine makers, and other influential entities. All of these are zealot vaccination promoters. One of the organization’s goals is to vaccinate every child in Africa. In 2019, GAVI reported having reached over 960 million campaign immunizations in developing countries. 

In his deconstruction of Bill Gates’ charitable agenda, F. William Engdahl writes, “Vaccinating a child who then goes to drink feces-polluted river water is hardly healthy in any respect. But of course cleaning up the water and sewage systems of Africa would revolutionize the health conditions of the Continent.” Far more effective would be the Foundation donating its billions to improve sanitation and hygiene, and provide nutrition to the 2.6 billion people who have little to none, for increasing clean water sources so 900 million global residents can have access to drinkable water (now at 1 in 3 Africans). Instead, the Foundation could be funding thousands of health clinics focusing on the chronic illnesses these populations suffer from most. This is simply common sense. “Bad water,” says the Stockholm International Water Institute’s director, Anders Bentell, “kills more people than HIV, malaria and war together.”  And globally, contaminated water, which kills approximately 9 million people annually, is a far more serious crisis than the evidence now indicates for coronavirus. 

Over the past several years, the prestigious British medical journal The Lancet has printed a series of in-depth analyses of the Gates Foundation with disturbing revelations. In a September 2008 article, “Misfinancing Global Health: A Case for Transparency in Disbursements and Decision Making,” the authors’ investigation came to the conclusion that aside from excessive funding of high profile Western institutions and organizations, there was “a heavy bias in funding towards malaria and HIV/AIDS, with relatively little investment into tuberculosis, maternal and child health, and nutrition–with chronic diseases being entirely absent from its spending portfolio.” And a later study by Dr. David McCoy from the Center for International Health found that “the grants made by the Foundation do not reflect the burden of disease endured by those in deepest poverty.” None of these findings have been covered to any extent by mainstream media nor any governing body. Seemingly Gates is riding on the coat tails of the COVID-19 panic that has infected much of the global community, when in fact, some analyses, such as one recently out of Stanford, indicate that the danger is likely over exaggerated.

Earlier this month, Gates announced he would be spending billions of dollars to fund seven separate coronavirus vaccine development initiatives. As a result, his Foundation has emerged as perhaps the foremost leader in the vaccine industry's response to the pandemic. Gates has gained free entrance into the offices and boardrooms of all the leading players savoring the opportunity to launch a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine that may likely be made mandatory for Americans, including National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Disease director Anthony Fauci, the CDC's vaccine advisory committee and the WHO. Thus far, Gates has shown reservation against a hasty launch of a vaccine that will likely not have been reviewed long enough to determine its safety and efficacy in long-term immunity. During a White House press conference with Trump, Fauci indicated a vaccine might take a year or two before approval. The anti-science Trump replied he would prefer it were a couple months. There is a strong possibility that like the influenza vaccine, immunity will wane quickly. We may recall that Fauci aggressively pushed for fast-tracking the H1N1 flu vaccine during the swine flu epidemic that never appeared as predicted. He was called out on this failure by Senator Tom Coburn for advocating a vaccine found to be only 30% effective in trials conducted in Thailand. Recent studies out of Shanghai already show that 30 percent of those who contract a wild COVID-19 virus show only minor or no neutralizing antibodies. And South Korea is now reporting cases of individuals getting infected with COVID-19 a second time. Other seasonal coronaviruses, which are only mild common colds, return repeatedly and indicate infection triggers only short temporary immune responses and even then not in everyone.

However, not all leading vaccine advocates are on board with rushing a vaccine. During a Philadelphia Inquirer interview with rotavirus vaccine inventor Dr. Paul Offit at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Offit warned against efforts being made to get a vaccine on the market as swiftly as possible. This is a virus, according to Offit, that we still know very little about. He stated, "If you’re going to be testing this in otherwise healthy people who are very, very unlikely to die from this infection, you better make sure it’s safe." He offers the example of the poorly developed dengue vaccine that was tested in Latin America and the Philippines and found to increase the risk of dengue shock syndrome. The same could happen with a COVID-19. 

Peter Hotez, Dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor University, developed a vaccine against SARS in 2016 before money dried up. Yet in a recent appearance before Congress, he testified a coronavirus vaccine could have a "unique potential safety problem."  We should be warned that questions would remain if and whether Hotez's team were to get a vaccine into advanced trials. An earlier University of Texas effort to develop a vaccine against the SARS coronavirus was appalling. Despite inducing neutralizing antibodies, all the mice in the trial exhibited immunopathological events in the lungs. More recently, a global analytics firm, Clarivate, investigated two COVID19 vaccines in the pipeline that have reached later clinical trials. Their report estimates that it will require over 5 years for developing a safe vaccine and it will likely be only 5 percent effective. In other words, it is an enormous waste of funding. 

Gates, on the other hand, seems to be ignoring these warnings from persons who have devoted their lives to vaccine development. He is stubbornly determined, irrespective of money spent, to get a COVID19 vaccine onto the market. A question that arises in our minds is how concerned Gates might be of vaccine safety issues. If the past is any indication of his priorities, it appears his focus is to increase vaccine compliance while ignoring the high incidence of serious adverse events and deaths. Bobby Kennedy Jr. at the Children's Health Defense organization has listed some of the vaccination debacles that are directly associated with his Foundation:

  • In 2002, operatives in the Gates network enforced a meningitis campaign in Sub-Sahara Africa that paralyzed up to 500 children.
  • In 2010, his foundations support for Glaxo's experimental malaria vaccine trials killed 151 African infants and seriously injured another 1,000. 
  • Gates collaboration with India's National Technical Advisory Group resulted in a catastrophe of unmonitored overlapping polio immunization programs triggering an epidemic of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis that affected 490,000 children. Gates vaccine programs were forced to leave India. Cases of vaccine derived polio now outnumber cases from wild polio. 
  • In 2014, Foundation funds went to experimental HPV vaccine trials in India, in joint collaboration with Glaxo and Merck, that violated ethical standards. Over 1,000 girls developed severe autoimmune diseases and fertility disorders. 

It is easy to overlook the larger significance of the results Gates' vaccination campaigns. In short, Gates was responsible for implementing and funding these programs that injured and caused the deaths of innocent children and adults. Due to his stature among governmental and international health agencies, he has not been held accountable. People such as Gates are judged by a different standard, meaning they are not judged at all. Equally worrisome, aside from his vaccine frenzy, Gates makes efforts to influence the nation's health policies. In the past he has been a fanatical advocate for mandatory vaccination.  During a recent TED Talk interview, Gates advocated a national campaign to issue certificates for those who have been either infected with COVID-19 or vaccinated against it. "Eventually what we'll have to have is certificates of who's a recovered person and who's a vaccinated person," he stated, "because you don't want people moving around the world... (without their certificates)."

Gates however is a symptom of another side of national crisis. There would be no need for citizen billionaires to be taking the helm to manipulate national policy responses to health crises, such as the COVC-19 pandemic, if there was in place a functioning healthcare system. Unfortunately it has been the gross failures of the Trump and previous presidential administrations that have opened the doors for others like Gates to step in. For too long, the US's federal health agencies have been thoroughly compromised and corrupted by private pharmaceutical interests. The pandemic is revealing to Americans that we have the most dysfunctional medical system in the developed world. 

Unfortunately the wealthiest elite on the planet are rarely questioned about the correctness of their actions and schemes. As long as a Bill Gates says he is giving huge sums of money to a cause to end disease and suffering, we are not suppose to probe further. Rather, in the case of mainstream media, such people are to be worshiped as saviors. The oligarchic elite are so well interconnected on multiple boards of directors, clubs for the rich and powerful, think tanks, media conglomerates, and among the high ranks of elected legislators and politicians that it is difficult to have an open and honest debate on the merits of their actions and spending. 

So when someone like Ted Turner says we should reduce the world’s population by more than half, and Bill Gates suggests a 15 percent reduction, do we fully understand the potential for eugenic efforts?  And this is another issue about Gates that should disturb every person on the planet. 

As a keynote speaker at the TED 2010 conference, Gates laid out his rationale for an international effort towards global depopulation. He said, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [projected to be 9 billion people by 2050] by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.“ Therefore it was shocking to learn that a tetanus vaccine administered to Kenyan women in child bearing years was purportedly laced with Human Chorionic Gondatropin (hCG) that causes miscarriage and renders a woman sterile. The discovery was made by the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association that noted something was seriously wrong with women following vaccination and had the vaccine analyzed. But more appalling was tracing the vaccination campaign to funding by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for distribution by UNICEF. Further evidence is found in a 2005 Foundation press release stating Gates' gift of $26 million to UNICEF for a vaccine to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Curiously, Brian Shilhavy at Health Impact News observed, "there was no outbreak of tetanus in Kenya, on the perceived threat of tetanus due to local flood conditions." Therefore, why the campaign to vaccinate young women en masse?

In conclusion, we have the world's second richest billionaire who deeply believes he has a personal authority to be a policy maker for America's public health. Therefore, do we truly realize the dangers of billionaires, unelected to any position of authority over the nation, and their threats that undermine democracy?  

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