Monday Dec 03, 2012

The Gary Null Show - Vandana Shiva - 12/03/12

Dr. Vandana Shiva is an internationally renowned environmental and social activist, and was formerly one of India’s top nuclear physicists. She has been credited as the principle founding leader of India’s ecological and ecofeminism movement. In 1982 Dr. Shiva founded the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi, which led to the creation of Navdanya (all “a”s are softly pronounced NAV-DAN-YA) – an organization dedicated to the restoration of organic farming across India and the preservation of indigenous knowledge and culture. For several decades, Vandana has fought for changes in the globalized practices of agriculture and food. She has traveled the world speaking against biopiracy of indigenous knowledge by large agricultural and pharmaceutical corporations. Her activist efforts have created grassroots organizations throughout the developing world to counter genetic engineering of crops, as well as empower women throughout the third world. Dr. Shiva has received numerous international awards, including the Alternative Nobel Prize (the Right Livelihood Award), the UNEP’s Global 500 Award and the UN’s Earth Day International Award. Among her more important books are “Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace”, “Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed”, and her most recent “Soil Not Oil” Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis”

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